Thanks to an enhancement agreement between the Emilia-Romagna Museums Directorate-Palazzo Milzetti, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage-University of Bologna and the International Museum of Ceramics Foundation in Faenza, the study of ceramic fragments from the garden of Palazzo Milzetti in Faenza and preserved for several decades in storage has begun.

The study, promoted by director Elena Rossoni, is being carried out in discussion and collaboration with restorer Elena Arlotti and archaeologist Lara Sabbionesi of the Regional Directorate of National Museums Emilia Romagna, as well as with the MIC Chief Curator, Valentina Mazzotti and other staff colleagues at the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza.

in the photo, there are University students – Gaia Betti, Matteo Bucciarelli, Giulia Vallicelli and Margherita Bratti – led by lecturer Ana Cecilia Hillar.

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