Guglielmo Maggini (Rome, 1992) is at work in our workshop making the installation “Stairing” that will be placed in the coming months at the entrance of the Museum.

The project won the “Per Chi Crea” – Edition 2023 call for proposals promoted by the SIAE for the production of new works and will be inaugurated on October 12, 2024 during the celebration of the Day of the Contemporary. The permanent site-specific installation will be made inside our workshop thanks to the collaboration of our technicians and is designed in ceramic and resin for the entrance staircase of our Museum in dialogue with Burri’s large panel. The intervention will partially cover the staircase by flooding part of the marble steps with a liquid carpet of matter in different colors and volumes.

Guglielmo Maggini’s work takes place at the border between installation and sculpture. His forms ironically con-fuse different materials into an organic proliferation of elements and gestures. Research that starts from experimentation between materials in the nature/artifice contradiction to an intimate dimension of the relationship between sensuality and tactility.

In an imaginary and personal place where space is understood as a plastic volume, the artist aims to investigate the emotional perception of time in a constantly liquid cross-reference between classical heritage, the natural world and pop culture references.

He currently lives in Rome; among the latest exhibitions and initiatives in which he took part: Counterpoints (group show @ z2o Sara Zanin Gallery, Rome). IMAGINA (27th Gubbio Biennial, Palazzo Ducale, Gubbio, 2023/24). FAENZA AWARD – 62nd Biennale of Contemporary Ceramic (International Museum of Ceramics, Faenza, 2023). Intermezzo – adagio ma con brio (Festival dei Due Mondi 66, Official Meeting Point, Spoleto, 2023). Like the wind in the houses (solo show @ z2o Sara Zanin Gallery, Rome, 2023). Circular Art (MAXXI, Rome, 2022). The Big Burnout (HYPERMAREMMA 2022, Porta Medina, Orbetello, 2022) – MATERIA NOVA (Gallery of Modern Art, Rome, 2022).

With support from MiC and SIAE, as part of the “Per Chi Crea” program.

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