The fourth edition of the biennial study days organized by MIC and IGIIC takes place on June 5, 2025 at MIC Faenza and will be dedicated to the theme of Ceramics in Emergency, from Emergency to Restoration.

Climatic and environmental emergencies, such as earthquakes and floods or man-made emergencies such as wars and fires, bring out the fragilities of our artistic heritage; In a special way, the edition Ceramic artefacts in Emergency, from Emergency to Restoration opens a reflection on what recently happened regarding the flood that hit Emilia Romagna in May 2023. Emergency situations continue to highlight the inadequacies of storage areas, as well as the spaces and facilities that house the works, which still too often lack those minimum requirements to ensure the safeguarding and protection of the assets.

Similarly, in even recent disasters, the shortcomings of procedures and plans for securing artifacts have emerged, which should include the establishment of effective systems for recovery and emergency response to facilitate subsequent restoration of the damaged asset.

The study day is open to intervention proposals that consider various aspects of ceramic material in relation to emergency:

– Prevention and management of the catastrophic event

– Ways of recovering and handling the ceramic artefact in emergency settings

– Distressed ceramic materials how to intervene after the first emergency? Specific interventions on the fragility of the damaged material

– Organization and security of spaces for the storage of goods

– Management strategies for the relocation of the restored ceramic artifact


To actively participate, you must send an abstract to by Nov. 30, 2024.

for info read here

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